Preserving the environment and maritime ecosystems has become one of the significant global challenges. Governments and international organizations are imposing regulations to reduce environmental pollution, and companies need to comply with them to be sustainable and avoid substantial fines.
Water contamination is the most polluted natural element. Statistics confirm that more than 80% of discharged water goes unfiltered into rivers and oceans. The establishment of regulations both at the international and national levels will help reduce damage to the environment.
Maritime pollution negatively affects flora and fauna and subsequently damages local economies.
Although a large part of the litter in the marine environment comes from land-based sources, controlling garbage and water discharges from ships is equally critical to maintaining marine and coastal ecosystems. Vessels must follow international rules (e.g., the MARPOL Convention) and local rules applying to the active route of the ship.
It is a significant challenge for the maritime industry to comply with all the environmental regulations affecting the vessel’s route. Authorities are increasingly monitoring vessels and taking action against any wrongdoing, intentional or unintentional.
The environmental regulations, international, national, or local, are subject to constant updates. It is a big task for the shipowner to maintain an up-to-date regulation database affecting his fleet.
Any failure in using the latest local regulation applicable before arrival may lead to significant penalties for the ship.
Having all the correct regulations that apply to a particular route is a challenge for the navigator and/or the shipowner, and potential mistakes or omissions are numerous.
To help with the challenge of staying compliant, avoiding penalties, and being more sustainable, CAIM has developed NaviGreen, the environmental module combining:
- Provision and maintenance of the NaviGreen database containing all international, national and local environmental regulations
- Automatic extraction of all relevant regulations affecting the planned route of a particular vessel type
- Enabling the environmental plan along the route clearly indicates when and where discharges are allowed or forbidden. All details of those regulations applying to each part of the route are displayed
- A simple graphical interface presenting the environmental plan
- Monitoring the ship’s movement and presenting the real-time status of the possible discharges at any given position of the boat.

NaviGreen page.
NaviGreen includes the regulatory database verified by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS):
- ABS verified maritime & protected area boundaries
- ABS verified regulatory discharge requirements for all vessel types
- ABS verified emission standards for all vessels
The solution is embedded within NaviGate and enhances the voyage plan module: NaviGreen helps the user stay compliant and avoid massive penalties!
Having all the essential environmental documentation available in a single platform reduces human error and crew’s workload and ensures compliance.
NaviGate’s voyage plan is the basis for the environmental plan generated by the NaviGreen module. All the environmental regulations regarding the planned route can be displayed and downloaded. NaviGreen is essential during the planning phase as it ensures the timelines of any discharging operations.
NaviGate, connected to GPS, allows monitoring of the vessel’s active route, including NaviGreen.
NaviGreen is intuitive, and the user customizes the module to the specific requirements of his vessel. The below list shows the variables to choose from.
- Oil bilge water
- Oily bilge water from cargo
- Sewage
- Disinfected & comminuted sewage
- Greywater
- Direct effluent from the advanced water treatment system
- Treated Sewage and Greywater mix tank (TSG)
- CAT XYZ residues
- Food waste – NOT comminuted or ground
- Food waste – comminuted or ground
- Cargo Residue (Non-HME)
- Cargo Wash Water (non-HME)
- Animal carcass
- Swimming pool (de-chlorinated)
- Jacuzzi/Spa (de-chlorinated)
- Swimming pool/ Spa water (chlorinated)
- Incinerator operations of sewage
- Incinerator operations
- Boiler/economizer blowdown
- Deck washdown
- EGCS (scrubber) wash – open loop
- EGCS (scrubber) wash – closed loop
- Untreated ballast
- ECA Restricted Fuel Oil
NaviGreen is CAIM’s answer to the enormous environmental regulations. It supports shipping companies and mariners in being sustainable, staying compliant, reducing the risks of human errors, avoiding substantial penalties, and avoiding potential vessel detention. NaviGreen supports the maritime industry in the decarbonizationprocess by showcasing measures to mitigate pressures and impacts on the marine environment and port-based solutions.
CAIM is developing a solution allowing the maritime industry to achieve the WHO Agenda 2030 Goals and EU maritime industry rules.
NaviGreen is available to purchase. Contact us request a live demonstration!